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Selected applicants for admission into various degree programmes 2019-2020 |
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But let me tell you something d you know that you can make good money online if you join and start educating people what you learn from the university you join? Read it very crealy. First click create your account in few minutes and start teaching people you will see in your wallet account the money increases as you create more posts.
Now you want to join university academic year 2019-2020, Good idea, If you are fresh from school know that there is big problem of unemployment so when you study you must prepare for this problem how you will serve it.
Two ways that you can use to solve unemployment issue after completing your first degree.
Yes you need to know ways that you can use to solve the issue of not being employed after completing your academic studies. There are friends of mine who did not get job for 10 years after completing their studies even though they got Good GPA you can be among this trap if you do not get the best alternative to being employed by some one.
1. Use online opportunities while you are in school example you are studying community development why not start a blog that you will be teaching about community sensitization and earn good money from advertisers like NGOS and individual people?
It is simple to start your blog and is free just go to register your blog and start posting what you know you get paid from Google ads and other advertisers like I said.
Another online opportunities are starting youtube channel or writing ebook and selling it online,Use google to search for online opportunity and make sure you get good online coachers who will help you to join the best paying online businesses other wise you end up wasting your time online since there are many fake online business or scammers.
2. Start practising small business, If you get chance use it, You can start small business projects like local chicken rearing, if you start this project by 10 chickens after 3 years of your studies you might have 1000 chickens that is good project that will earn you good money. Find other small business ideas that you can start with very small capital and have time to manage them without affecting your academic issues and implement them.
Hope this article helped you why not share with friends to social media? click share button below and send it to your facebook time line or group or tweet it. Help to spread good education to the world and the world will thank you and bless you too. the end of SELECTED APPLICANTS FOR ADMISSION INTO VARIOUS DEGREE PROGRAMMES 2019-2020
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