All updates about this job research assistant announced on march 2023
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RESEARCH ASSISTANT job march 2023 read here |
"THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA PRESIDENT’S OFFICE PUBLIC SERVICE RECRUITMENT SECRETARIAT Ref.No.JA.9/259/01/A/239 7th March, 2023 VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT On behalf of Tanzania Food and Nutrition Centre (TFNC), The College of African Wildlife Management (MWEKA), Tanzania Film Board, The Institute of Accountancy Arusha (IAA), Dodoma Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Authority (DUWASA) and College of Business Education(CBE) Public Service Recruitment Secretariat (PSRS) invites dynamic and suitable qualified Tanzanians to fill Eighteen (18 ) vacant posts as mentioned below;
1.0 TANZANIA FOOD AND NUTRITION CENTRE (TFNC) Tanzania Food and Nutrition Centre (TFNC) is the source of the Government’s policy of first phase of dealing with the problem of malnutrition in the country. The Organization was officially established by an Act of Parliament (Tanzania Food and Nutrition Act) of 1973 and approved by the President on December 6, 1973. The mission is to Formulate, initiate and promote development policies and plans regulations and legislation for improvement of nutritional status of Tanzania community; To promote nutrition of the socio-economical deprived and nutritionally vulnerable groups; To promote community participation in managing and controlling nutritional problems in the country; To promote applied and basic nutrition and research; and To promote private sector involvement in nutrition intervention.
2 1.1 RESEARCH ASSISTANT (DIETETICS) - 1 POST 1.1.1 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES i. To assist in carrying out field work; ii. To assist in supervising field students; iii. To assist in proposing, planning and managing food and nutrition research projects and preparing reports; iv. To assist in writing food and nutrition research with other staff; v. To assist in drafting guidelines, data collection tools and protocols; vi. To make presentation of the research findings at local seminars and workshops; vii. To assist in preparation of draft research manuscripts, books, technical reports, training materials, guidelines and protocol for publications; viii. To conduct literature search and prepare research materials for writing research manuscripts, books, technical reports, training materials, guidelines and protocol for publications; and ix. To perform any other related duties assigned by one’s supervisor. 1.1.2 QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE Holder of a Bachelor degree with a minimum of upper second class in Dietetics from the recognized Institution.
[ 1.1.3 REMUNERATION Salary Scale: PRSS 1 1.2 RESEARCH ASSISTANT (MEDICINE) - 1 POST 1.2.1 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES i. To assist in carrying out field work; ii. To assist in supervising field students; iii. To assist in proposing, planning and managing food and nutrition research projects and preparing reports; iv. To assist in writing food and nutrition research with other staff; v. To assist in drafting guidelines, data collection tools and protocols; vi. To make presentation of the research findings at local seminars and workshops; vii. To assist in preparation of draft research manuscripts, books, technical reports, training materials, guidelines and protocol for publications; viii. To conduct literature search and prepare research materials for writing research manuscripts, books, technical reports, training materials, guidelines and protocol for publications; and ix. To perform any other related duties assigned by one’s supervisor. 3 1.2.2 QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE Holder of Bachelor degree with a minimum of upper second class in Medicine from the recognized Institution.
1.2.3 REMUNERATION Salary Scale: PRSS 1 1.3 RESEARCH ASSISTANT (STATISTICS) - 1 POST 1.3.1 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES i. To assist in carrying out field work; ii. To assist in supervising field students; iii. To assist in proposing, planning and managing food and nutrition research projects and preparing reports; iv. To assist in writing food and nutrition research with other staff; v. To assist in drafting guidelines, data collection tools and protocols; vi. To make presentation of the research findings at local seminars and workshops; vii. To assist in preparation of draft research manuscripts, books, technical reports, training materials, guidelines and protocol for publications; viii. To conduct literature search and prepare research materials for writing research manuscripts, books, technical reports, training materials, guidelines and protocol for publications; and ix. To perform any other related duties assigned by one’s supervisor.
1.3.2 QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE Holder of Bachelor degree with a minimum of upper second class in Biostatistics or Statistics from the recognized Institution. 1.3.3 REMUNERATION Salary Scale: PRSS 1 1.3.3 RESEARCH ASSISTANT (FOOD SCIENCE) - 1 POST 1.3.4 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES i. To assist in carrying out field work; ii. To assist in supervising field students; 4 iii. To assist in proposing, planning and managing food and nutrition research projects and preparing reports; iv. To assist in writing food and nutrition research with other staff; v. To assist in drafting guidelines, data collection tools and protocols; vi. To make presentation of the research findings at local seminars and workshops; vii. To assist in preparation of draft research manuscripts, books, technical reports, training materials, guidelines and protocol for publications; viii. To conduct literature search and prepare research materials for writing research manuscripts, books, technical reports, training materials, guidelines and protocol for publications; and ix. To perform any other related duties assigned by one’s supervisor. 1.3.5 QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE Holder of Bachelor degree with a minimum of upper second class in Food Science and Technology or Food Biostatistics from the recognized Institution. 1.3.6 REMUNERATION Salary Scale: PRSS
1 2.0 THE COLLEGE OF AFRICAN WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT (MWEKA) The College of African Wildlife Management, Mweka was established by the Act of Parliament Number 8 of 1964. The College is a leading institution in Professional and Technical training, applied research and offering community services in the form of consultancies in Wildlife and Tourism Management. The College is registered by the National Council for Technical Education (NACTE) and recognized as a centre of excellence by the East African Community (EAC) and Southern African Development Community (SADC 1.2 RANGER II (1 POST)
1.2.1 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES i. Patrols study area to suppress poaching, vandalism and bush fires; ii. Receives orders to apprehend and evict violators of wildlife law and regulations in the study area; 5 iii. Maintains cleanliness and sanitation of the study area; iv. Undertakes animal control activities in order to protect human life and property; v. Maintains infrastructure and facilities in the study area including side drains, access roads and trails; vi. To perform any other related duties as may be assigned by supervisor. 1.2.2 QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE Holder of an Advanced or Ordinary Certificate of Secondary Education with Basic Certificate in Wildlife Management, Paramilitary or range operations from a recognized institution. 1.2.3 REMUNERATION Offered according to MWEKA scheme of service 2.0 TANZANIA FILM BOARD The Tanzania Film Board is a government institution established under the Film and Stage Plays Act No. 4 of 1976 to regulate all matters related to film and stage play in Tanzania Mainland. The Board have the following the among roles, To advise the Government on matters of or related to the Film Sector in Tanzania, To coordinate the overall development of the Film Sector, Regulation of film making, documentaries, TV/Radio/Stage Plays and any other matter connected to such, Certification and classification of motion pictures, videos films, documentaries, animations, TV/Radio/Stage Plays and Regulating foreign and local motion picture, TV/Radio/Stage Plays practitioners and dealers
2.0.1 FILM DEVELOPMENT OFFICER II – 4 POSTS 2.0.2 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: i. To receive applications for filming permits and process their filming permits; ii. To correspond with local and foreign filming permit applicants on the status of their applications; 6 iii. To keep and maintain details/registers/records of filming permit applications and applicants submitted to the Board; iv. To preview and analyze scripts, synopses, and issue reports; v. To examine content, certify and classify all film and stage plays; vi. To keep and maintain the repertoire of film works submitted to the Board; vii. To be instrumental in safe - keeping the copies/masters (as evidences of the content certified and classified) of motion pictures submitted to the Board for certification and classification; viii. To identify all films released into the market without being certified and classified and take appropriate measures; ix. To advise film makers, film actors and other concerned stakeholders on the directives of the law on film and stage plays content; x. To advise film makers, film actors and other concerned stakeholders on how to improve the quality of their motion picture productions, xi. To research on matters of the Motion Picture Industry xii. To develop and maintain film industry networks; xiii. To receive and process practicing licenses’ and stakeholder ID’s applications; xiv. To correspond with local dealers on the status of their applications; xv. To monitor the distribution and exhibition of motion pictures; xvi. To monitor the existing motion picture dealers; xvii. To conduct operations against unlicensed motion picture dealers and confiscate motion pictures possessed by such dealers that are illegal or have been released to the market without following proper procedures and xviii. To perform any other duties assigned by his/her supervisor.
2.1.3 QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE Holder of Bachelor Degree in Theatre, Fine and Performing Arts, Multimedia and Film Technology, Film, Cultural Anthropology and Tourism, Culture and Heritage, Anthropology and Media from a reputable institution recognized by the Government
2.1.4 SALARY SCALE PGSS 6 7 3.0 THE INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTANCY ARUSHA The Institute of Accountancy Arusha (IAA) is a parastatal academic institution offering Undergraduate and Postgraduate training programmes. It is established by the Institute of Accountancy Arusha Act No.1 of 1990 and is located at Njiro Hill, seven kilometers Southern-East of Arusha City.
3.0.1 TUTORIAL ASSISTANT – PEACE AND SECURITY (1 POST) 3.0.2 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES i. To teach up to NTA level 6 (Ordinary Diploma); ii. To assist in conducting tutorial and practical exercises for students under close supervision; iii. To prepare learning resources for tutorial exercises; iv.To assist in conducting research under close supervision; v. To carry out consultancy and community services under close supervision; vi.To perform any other related duties.
3.0.3 QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE Holders of a bachelor degree (NTA Level 8) in peace and security, strategic studies, political science, diplomacy with a GPA of at least 3.5 at Bachelor Level. 3.0.4 REMUNERATION Offered according to IAA scheme of service 3.0.5 DODOMA WATER AND SANITATION AUTHORITY (DUWASA), Dodoma Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Authority (DUWASA), is an autonomous water utility legally charged with the delivery of water supply and sewerage disposal services to urban residents of the Dodoma City. The Authority was established in 1998 under section 3(i) of Cap. 272 of 1997 as 8 repealed by Water supply and Sanitation Act No. 12 of 2009 and Act No. 5 of 2019. 3.0.6 ICT OFFICER - PROGRAMMER - II 7-POST
3.0.7 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES i. To design interactive applications based on deployment platform like web, mobile etc; ii. To prepare functional and non-functional technical specifications; iii. To break down program specification into its simplest elements and translating this logic into a programming or scripting language; To code, test, debug and install application programmes; iv. To configure appropriate application servers based installed application program; v. To prepare program documentation; and vi. To perform any other duty as may be assigned by the superior. 3.0.8 QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE Holder of a Bachelor Degree in Computer Science or equivalent qualifications from an accredited institution. 3.0.9 REMUNERATION: TGS D.1 4.0 COLLEGE OF BUSINESS EDUCATION (CBE) The College of Business Education was established by the Act of Parliament No. 31 of 1965. It is an autonomous. Institution wholly owned the Government with full accreditation the National Council of Technical Education (NACTE). The main functions of the College, are to provide demand-driven and competence-based business education, and to offer quality public services through applied researches and consultancies.
4.0.1 TUTORIAL ASSISTANT - RECORDS AND ARCHIVES MANAGEMENT. (1 POST) 4.0.2 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES (i) Undergo Master’s Degree training programme; (ii) To undergo mentorship under senior members, including attending lectures and seminars, tutorials and practical training. (iii) Conduct tutorials and seminars; 9 (iv) Assist in research, consultancy and outreach activities; and (v) Perform any other duties that may be assigned by the Head of Department. 4.0.2 QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE Holder of Bachelor Degree in Records and Archives Management from a recognized academic institution or any other relevant Bachelor’s Degree. The candidate should poses a minimum GPA of 3.8 points out of 5 points. 4.0.3 SALARY SCALE: PHTS
1.1 GENERAL CONDITIONS: i. All applicants must be Citizens of Tanzania with an age not above 45 years of age except for those who are in Public Service; ii. People with disabilities are highly encouraged to apply and should indicate clearly in the portal for Public Service Recruitment Secretariat attention; iii. Applicants must attach an up-to-date Curriculum Vitae (CV) having reliable contacts; postal address/post code, e-mail and telephone numbers; iv. Applicants should apply on the strength of the information given in this advertisement; v. Applicants must attach their certified copies of the following certificates: - • Postgraduate/Degree/Advanced Diploma/Diploma/Certificates; • Postgraduate/Degree/Advanced Diploma/Diploma transcripts; • Form IV and Form VI National Examination Certificates; Professional Registration and Training Certificates from respective Registration or Regulatory Bodies, (where applicable); Birth certificate; v. Attaching copies of the following certificates is strictly not accepted:- • Form IV and form VI results slips; • Testimonials and all Partial transcripts; vi. An applicant must upload recent Passport Size Photo in the Recruitment Portal; 10 vii. An applicant employed in the Public Service should route his application letter through his respective employer; viii. An applicant who is retired from the Public Service for whatever reason should not apply; ix. An applicant should indicate three reputable referees with their reliable contacts; x. Certificates from foreign examination bodies for Ordinary or Advanced level education should be verified by The National Examination Council of Tanzania (NECTA). xi. Professional certificates from foreign Universities and other training institutions should be verified by The Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) and National Council for Technical Education (NACTE);
xii. A signed application letter should be written either in Swahili or English and Addressed to Secretary, Presidents Office, Public Service Recruitment Secretariat, P.O. Box 2320, Utumishi Building at University of Dodoma – Dr. Asha Rose Migiro Buildings - Dodoma. xiv. Deadline for application is 20th March, 2023; xv. Only shortlisted candidates will be informed on a date for interview and; xvi. Presentation of forged certificates and other information will necessitate to legal action; NOTE: All applications must be sent through Recruitment Portal by using the following address;/ not otherwise address also can be found at PSRS Website, Click ‘Recruitment Portal’) Released by: SECRETARY PUBLIC SERVICE RECRUITMENT SECRETARIAT"
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