TCU: List of Applicants with Multiple Admissions 2018/2019 -First Round
Congratulations dear applicants who succeded to get chence of joining university 2018/2019. Sasa ndugu zangu kuna mambo makuu ya kufanya ili muweze kufanikiwa katika safari yenu ya elimu ya juu. Please read this article to the end I have good message to you right!
Tangazo: je unaujua mtandao unaokulipa kwa kila makala au mada unayoandika? Sasa unaweza kuwa unafanya kazi wakati ukiwa bado ni mwanafunzi wa sekondari au chuo. Jiunge dakika mbili kwenye mtandao wa kisha anza kufundisha chochote unachokijua kwenye mtandao huo kila mada unayoandika ni pesa. Boonyeza hapa kujinga dakika mbili tu
Tangazo: je unaujua mtandao unaokulipa kwa kila makala au mada unayoandika? Sasa unaweza kuwa unafanya kazi wakati ukiwa bado ni mwanafunzi wa sekondari au chuo. Jiunge dakika mbili kwenye mtandao wa kisha anza kufundisha chochote unachokijua kwenye mtandao huo kila mada unayoandika ni pesa. Boonyeza hapa kujinga dakika mbili tu
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List of Applicants with Multiple Admissions 2018/2019 -First Round |
Applicants with multiple admissions 2018/2018 you need to confirm very soon where you prefer to study and which course you wish you graduate. In selecting the best choice please consider how you will get job or employment from that course.
Loan for higher education students 2018/2019 Dear student if you applied for higher education loan and you get it please make sure you spend the loan as planed. Do not start buying subwofer, Tv and enjoying in Night clubs you will discontinue, use the money to buy study material and other accademic uses right?
Now Let me teach you how you can start your own investment while you are in university, Ukiwa chuo unaweza kuanza kujiajiri kwa kutumia simu yako au kompyuta yako au kompyuta za chuo. Ni rahisi sana kujiajiri na huhitaji kutumia muda mwingi kwa siku kufanya kazi hii kwani tunajua pia ukiwa chuo muda mwingi unatakiwa kuutumia kwa masomo na sio vitu vingine. Katika uwekezaji wa kwenye mtandao unahitaji nusu saa tu kila siku iendayo kwa mungu kufanya kazi hii. Kazi yenyewe ni kumiliki blog/website ya kutoa elimu au kutoa burudani mtandaoni. Blog yako inaunganishwa na matangazo ya kukulipa maishani kwa idadi ya wanaosoma blog yako.Mfano blog ikisomwa mara milioni unalaki 5. Kupata blog muda huu tuma sms whatsapp 0652428852 au tuma sms za kawaida kwa namba hiyo hiyo blog ni sh elfu 25 tu. na unalipia baada ya kupata blog. Mafunzo yanatolewa bure kwenye mtandao wa This is how you can get money for spending in your university but do not use the money you get from loan board. Simple investment is to get blog today.
If you study psychology in your you will teach people online, if you study education, engineering, sociology,development studies, English, history, geography or any course you have chance to start your online school that is blog or website and when you complete your studies you will have a blog or website that provides you more than laki tano per month Share this post to your friends students in students groups on facebook and whatsapp so that we create the community that have proper education and good income. Thanks for sharing