Matokeo ya mitihani necta 2018 Education is the key of life
Habari mpenzi mwanafunzi, Unasoma makala ya Matokeo ya mitihani necta 2018 education is the key of life
kwa kingereza ni examination results necta 2018. Upo unasoma makala zangu muhimu ambazo zitakuhamasisha kujisomea kwa makini na kufanikiwa katika safari yako ya elimu ya sekondari na hata kujiunga na chuo kikuu. Ni muda mzuri sana kwako sasa kujisomea kwa bidii bila kuleta mchezo mchezo. Maisha ya sasa bila elimu na sawa na kutembea uchi bila nguo mitaani.
kwa kingereza ni examination results necta 2018. Upo unasoma makala zangu muhimu ambazo zitakuhamasisha kujisomea kwa makini na kufanikiwa katika safari yako ya elimu ya sekondari na hata kujiunga na chuo kikuu. Ni muda mzuri sana kwako sasa kujisomea kwa bidii bila kuleta mchezo mchezo. Maisha ya sasa bila elimu na sawa na kutembea uchi bila nguo mitaani.
Matokeo ya kidato cha nne 2018/2019 soma hapa
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Examination results necta 2018
Unajiandaa kwa Matokeo ya mitihani necta 2018, education is the key of life. Kabla sijaendelea mbele naomba nikupe fulsa (opportunity) Kuna mtandao unaitwa jamaa online, Mtandao huu unafanana kabisa na facebook, sasa ukijiunga na mtandao huu unalipwa ukiwa admin wa page na page yako ikapata likes za kutosha. Jiunge dakika chache tu bonyeza maandishi haya ya blue hapa Kisha sign up dakika mbili tu maelekezo mengine utayapata kwenye mtandao huo. Kujiunga ni bure.
Read short interesting story, There was a man in big forest hunting for animals like antelope, zebra and buffalo. The man lived by hunting animals and eating bush meat in various forests. One day the man decided to go to hunt in national park. He went in Serengeti national park found in Tanzania. This man was hunting illegally without having permit from the responsible ministry in Tanzania.
He managed to shoot an elephant who was drinking water besides the liver Serengeti the beautiful river in Tanzania found inside the Serengeti national park. The man was very happy to get that big meat, he planed to sell it illegally near to the villagers who sound Serengeti national parks. After getting that elephant the man went to find two men who will help him to slaughter the elephant removing the skin and making meat read for transporting out sound the national park illegally doing heavy night when game rangers are sleeping.
Bad lack Tanzania Game rangers saw these tree men doing poaching inside National park, The police cough the tree men and sent them to appropriate office more explanation why they do pouching while it is serious prohibited to do pouching in Tanzania. Finally the tree men was send to court and jailed because they failed to pay for fine. This story teach us that we should not conduct illegal activities so that we cant be jailed. If you loved this story comment bellow.
Mpenzi msomaji wa makala zetu tunajua unahitaji kuwa na matokeo ya darasa la saba 2018/2019 ambayo ni mazuri basi jiandae au mwandae mwanao ipasavyo ili matokeo haya yawe mazuri kwaki. Kwa leo ujumbe umefika kuhusu Matokeo ya mitihani necta 2018 education is the key of life